Jupyter Extensions That Help You Work Faster.
The world's largest companies save hours per week with Mito's AI copilot and spreadsheet editor.
Trusted by dozens of fortune 500 companies

AI ChatChat is like collaborating with a colleague who sees your code, knows your data, and is a Python expert. Its ChatGPT integrated directly into Jupyter. | Spreadsheet EditorWrite spreadsheet formulas like VLOOKUP, build pivot tables, and create graphs. Every edit is automatically converted to Python. View 100+ transformations → |
Smart DebuggingFix your code with the click of a button and let the AI explain your error to you. | Code CompletionsAutocomplete that finishes your thought. No more googling syntax or correcting typos. |
AI Chat
Chat is like collaborating with a colleague who sees your code, knows your data, and is a Python expert. Its ChatGPT integrated directly into Jupyter.
Spreadsheet Editor
Write spreadsheet formulas like VLOOKUP, build pivot tables, and create graphs. Every edit is automatically converted to Python.
Smart Debugging
Fix your code with the click of a button and let the AI explain your error to you.
Code Completions
Autocomplete that finishes your thought. No more googling syntax or correcting typos.
Install open-source Mito
in two simple steps
$ pip install mitosheet
$ pip install mito-ai
All in Jupyter, Streamlit, and Dash
Mito is a Jupyter extension and Streamlit component, so you don't need to set up any new infrastructure. Get started with Mito in seconds. It's easy as pip install mitosheet.
Mito is a Jupyter extension, so you don't need to set up any new infrastructure. You can use Mito in JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterHub, SageMaker and more.
Upgrade Python scripts to interactive Streamlit Dashboards
Turn one hour of automation savings into tens of hours by sharing automation scripts through Streamlit dashboards.
Import and explore data from Snowflake
Pass checks before exporting data
Explore the Mito spreadsheet component